Nicky is still very much in love with the boobs. I was on the phone today with my aunt and I told him to get off of me so I could type. My aunt and I have had it out before about nursing so she chooses her words very carefully. She asked, "Does he drink whole milk?" I told her he doesn't so she asked about soy. I told her yes, he likes it. She said, "Oh, maybe he'll take it out of a bottle." I told her he was too old for a bottle and drinks from a cup just fine. I could hear her getting ready to say something else but she stopped herself, LOL. I know she has seen him drink stuff so I'm not sure what her deal was with the bottle thing. I guess she thinks I don't like nursing him or he shouldn't be. Neither is true. I'm quite happy to nurse him and so is he. I want him to still be nursing until he's ready to be done. Another thing they find weird about me, I guess.
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