Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another lazy weekend

Our weekend is coming to a close. I can't say we did very much. That seems to be a trend with our weekends lately. We went to visit my mom yesterday. I helped her sort papers for her classes so she could enter grades. She is a teacher at an elementary school in Chicago. It really helps to remind me why homeschooling is so important when I see the papers her students write and hear about the kind of kids they are. The kids had fun, they love going to visit my mom. Apparently Chris' co-op is a family joke of some sort. They've convinced my grandmother that the kids should be in 'real' school. I hope it stops soon, I'd hate to stop visiting. I'm so glad my kids have learned to ignore those kinds of comments.

Aaron hasn't had any more food. It's funny, I was so excited and now it just seems like extra work. He doesn't want them anyway. I hope the avocados didn't scar him for life. He doesn't grab at foods with the gusto that he once did. I guess we can try again on Thursday. We'll be busy every day until then.

Chris is still excited about his co-op but not very happy about the homework that comes with it. He's been working on it all day since he put it off until the last minute. He asked yesterday why no one else has homework. No one else has a class. I'm not sure he was happy with my answer.

Our science books have been great to read so far. All the kids seem to enjoy them, which is saying a lot. Amanda and Frankie were so much fun to watch as they pushed the walls to see if their force could move it. Amanda says the wall's force can move her but she'd need a lot of help to get them to move. We're hoping to do a project on friction this week. I was short a few things we need so I'll have to get out to the store.


  1. Which science books are you using?

  2. Pauline, you always amaze me. You always have something interesting going on.

  3. Dee, we're reading the 'Let's Read it and Find out' books. I love these books. There are so many topics and each one has an experiment at the end.

    Thanks, Cathy :)

