I thought I'd blog while Amanda writes. She is going to have me write a little here for her once she is done making a drawing. Her topic today is Princess Adnama(her name backwards).
Today was such a nice day! We had a lot of fun at the park. The conversation was interesting to say the least. I love how all the moms can be so accepting yet have such differing views on things. It really helps to keep things interesting. Never a dull moment. The kids had a wonderul time and we stayed at the park until about 5, which is pretty late for us.
I also went to La Leche League meeting today. I used to really like this group but the dynamics have really changed. It's more of a partial breastfeeding support group. I heard, "There is nothing wrong with formula" a few too many times. Hopefully the leader will get back to me about an IBCLC that I can volunteer with to work on hours for my LC certification. Aaron was a dream, as usual. He's so awesome. He's the best baby ever, so happy and smiley. I need to go hug him.
Amanda is ready now!
There was a princess and her name was Adnama. She loved horses. So one day she went horse back riding but then the horse carried her too far into the woods. She got off the horse to see which way to go. She named the horse Sunshine. The horse ran back and she said, "No, wait Sunshine!" but Sunshine just kept going. She couldn't figure out which way to go. Her father and her mother came looking for her but they couldn't find her so they got very, very scared. They just didn't know what to do. Then they saw Sunshine run out of the woods. When they saw him run out, they knew that she was lost. They sent their knights to go look for her. Along the way they saw the horse's path but the princess was not there. They went back to tell the king and queen. They were not very happy. They waited for three days. All of a sudden the princess saw somebody and she said, "Who are you?" He said, "I am the prince." And then she said, "Do you know the way back home?" He said, "No I do not." So they were both stuck in the woods but he had his horse. So they went on the horse to find the way back. They were hoping that they would find the way but they didn't. They went way further in and it was dark, very dark. They didn't know what to do.
To be continued....
She writes very long stories, lol.
Halloween Inspiration Soap Porn
7 years ago
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