Today wasn't easy. Nicky and I had the hardest time. My girls aren't home so they haven't started the water challenge yet. I savored my last few ounces of juice as long as I could and then moved on to....water, blah. It's just so plain. I've been avoiding it and think I may be a little dehydrated because of it. Nicky is not happy. In my mind, I thought he'd be easy. I give him water all the time. It didn't dawn on me until today that he doesn't actually drink it. He pours it out and plays with it. He also puts it into his mouth so he can spit it on people(nice, huh?). Mack and I have been....disputing(arguing about) him giving Nicky liquids other than water when he wakes at night. I suspect I'm getting less than truthful answers from Mack about what goes in the cup to...keep me quiet(read: shut me up) about the cup. He just wants to go to bed, lol. Mack now works most nights and I have more control over his cup so things will change! We had a HUGE battle tonight over water in his cup. He wanted 'oakmill' which is soy milk in Nicky speak. I told him it was all gone and gave him water. He finally settled when I gave him *my* water. His wasn't good enough some how. So far so good I guess. I'm already struggling and I'm not one day into it. I swear, I have no will power.
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