Monday, March 23, 2009

What's for dinner?

I'm obsessed with my kids' nutrition. It's something I think about all the time. I wish I'd picked a simpler obsession. This one seems too complicated. There are simply too many opinions and too much to figure out. Not to mention the rebel children who refuse what's on their plate under the guise of 'it's gross' when they haven't even tried it yet. My older daughter has put on a bit of weight due to some life changes with her. Since December she's put on 11 pounds. I took her to the nutritionist and realized one 20 minute session with a woman who doesn't know me won't fix a thing. She didn't even scratch the surface. I bought two books by one of my favorite people to read about on raising kids-Dr. Sears. I'm about done reading 'The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood'. While I still find all the different requirements for the perfect diet enough to make my head explode, I'm much happier with the new knowledge I have. He makes it simpler and repeats things often. Gotta love repetition, makes things hard to forget. So, I'm changing my already decent eating habits to try to have a better diet. I don't actually think it will be too difficult as my children are used to my over concern with the things they put in their mouths. We have a few foods around here that I really want gone, like instant oatmeal. Did you know I adore instant oatmeal? I despise making breakfast. Instant oatmeal is easy enough for even my 5 year old to make and I will really miss it. It's now being replaced with steel cut oatmeal which means I have to cook breakfast. Blech! I don't mind cooking it occasionally but the thought of cooking during the most busy, loud and tiring part of the day doesn't make me happy. I've asked my children to eat it for breakfast everyday until it's gone. I also have a thing with being frugal so I can't just throw it out. There's a kid in Africa someplace that would love to have that food to eat! Or, that's what my mom always told me when I wasted food ;-) So we'll eat it. I also bought some hamburger helper a few months ago(probably like 7 or 8) because I was able to get it for 70 centa a box! Great deal right?!? Unless, the thought of feeding it to your kids makes you freak out. Holy sodium batman! So now I have like 30 boxes of hamburger helper taking up space and it will never get eaten. I'll have to donate it to someone because that's the only way I'll ever get rid of it. I have to remind my spend thrift self that it's only a deal if you will use what you've bought. Otherwise, it's a total waste. Lesson learned. So back to the original question that was asked. What's for dinner? We're planning to have salmon. It's rich in Omega-3s which I've read are greatly lacking in the American diet. I used to buy flax oil and give my kids a daily smoothy with it but I've slacked on doing that. I don't really care for fish so this will be harder for me than my kids who love it! We'll be eating it with brown rice and spinach. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll post again once I'm done. In the past I've sucked at blogging but I really want a blog so I'll try harder this time.

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